My Amelia Rose

My Amelia Rose

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

She's growing up too fast!

How many of us say that about our kids?  Everything happens so fast, it seems like just yesterday she was learning to walk.

Today I took her for testing for magnet school, I won't know until April if she gets in but it was very scary for me.  That building was so big and she wondered why the big kids parents weren't with them.  Me too, Amelia, me too.  I know at some point they have to be dropped off but can't I just follow her around and make her hold my hand until she's like 15?

When they called her back I almost threw up, literally.  All of the talking the other parents were doing was too much, they were loud and I just wanted to peak in and see how she was doing.

When she came out I asked her how it went and in her usual fashion of not giving information she said "fine".  I asked what she did and she said "I can't tell you".  Just great kid!

Fortunately another Mom who brought her child to testing was at Chick-Fil-A when we arrived and her daughter was much more forthcoming so I was able to get the scoop.  That made me about to get her to talk about it a bit more, she couldn't draw a star.  Honestly I can't either so no big deal in my eyes.

It's funny though, we all see our kids as geniuses and then when testing starts you wonder if you've done enough to teach them.

Ahhh, this waiting until April may kill me!  But then again, let it pass slowly because August means she goes to school and I'm not sure this Momma is ready, even if my big girl is ready to take over the world!

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