My Amelia Rose

My Amelia Rose

Monday, January 7, 2013

Holidays and vacations are hard to come back from!

Amelia had been doing really well listening at her classes at LearningRx, she would even tell me “mom, I’m going to try really hard to be good”.  She was so proud.

Then the holidays came around…holidays are the “debil”.  Something happens to kids when they spend too much time with their families and get spoiled, they don’t want to come back from it.  And Amelia wasn’t alone, I saw multiple students having trouble focusing, poor things just wanted to go eat some more chocolate pie! 

So last week going back to classes were a bit treacherous, she loves Ms. Rachel but couldn’t stay focused.  She’d say she was tired and grumpy and wanted to go to sleep.  Apparently she does have an arm for baseball judging by the bean bag throwing going on…YIKES!

But, as usual, Ms. Rachel was patient and did her best with what she had to work with.  She knows when Amelia’s at her limit and we cut it off and go home, another thing I love about them.  This is on Amelia’s level, it’s what she can take. 

Coming soon I’ll tell you all of the awesome things she has learned, it’s exciting and even more exciting the things that I have learned!

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