My Amelia Rose

My Amelia Rose

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Are kids really cruel?

I wanted to share an article that I posted in my newsletter this week. 

Amelia is very sensitive and I think it makes me overprotective of her, I'd love your input:

1 comment:

  1. Yea kids can be that cruel. My oldest has had glasses since he was 4 and up until last year was one of like 3 kids in his entire grade level with them. He was teased a bit but didn't care. This year though he is wearing body spray and deodorant and his outfits must be perfect. His hair gets done each morning and all that jazz. He will be 8 in a couple months. As they get older I swear it gets worse but he has never had a problem fitting in even with his ADHD.
