My Amelia Rose

My Amelia Rose

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Tonight I'm tired, the kind of tired that I'm not sure I can sleep but crawling UNDER the bed and crying sounds like what I should be doing.

It started at 3am, Amelia fell out of the bed and of course, was startled.  She started crawling saying she couldn't get up.  I held her and comforted her and once I got her back to bed realized her nose had been bleeding and I was covered in blood.  Then I started the worrying Mom thing, I went to check on her, aggravated her and finally went back to bed...only to toss and turn.

After a long day of work we had a meeting.  This is the thing I had been telling you that was my plan, we are working with LearningRx to get Amelia in "brain training".  I'm excited about this, I really believe this can help her.  We had her tested a few weeks back and I believe they saw what I did, the lack of ability to focus.  Amazingly her math skills were high, I'm not sure where that came from, certainly not me.

I'll tell you more about that as we start classes, it will be a few weeks but I'm excited about how this can help our family.

Of course, when it was time to head home Amelia had a complete meltdown, I think they may charge me triple now : /  I had to carry her out kicking and screaming.  We had to come straight home.

She finally settled down but then it was time to go to bed and all hell broke loose again.  Sorry for the language but there is no better description.  I hate nothing worse than putting my baby girl to bed and ending the night in a fight.  I always sneak in to kiss her after she goes to sleep.

So why am I overwhelmed?  Besides all of the above.  To get Amelia in this program we will have to do 6 hours a week, 3 at the center and 3 at home.  This is a lot for a Mom that works two jobs full-time.  So Monday-Wednesday evenings we'll have LearningRx, Fridays gymnastics and that is in addition to regular life.

It's a lot, I know that I'm going to be exhausted but in the end I know that I'm doing what's right for Amelia.  If I can get her in the class now then I believe in the future she will be unstoppable.

I will sacrafice this time for the next few weeks, after all, taking care of her is what my job is.  I can't wait to share our experience with you but hope that you will send out prayers and positive energy for me and Amelia.

And now I'm going to cry, tomorrow is another day with a bright future but for now it's time to let it all out...and then get some sleep!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a fantastic mommy to search out this option and then to make it happen!!!! You never cease to amaze me!!!! Tomorrow is a fresh day AND it will be Friday:) I wish I were there to drink a margaritas and make u laugh:) love u ..nite, nite:)
