My Amelia Rose

My Amelia Rose

Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer time

Since pre-school is in summer session and a little less structured, Amelia started acting out.  That's one thing that I've noticed with the ADHD medicine, if there is no structure it causes her stress; this is why we don't give it to her on the weekends.  We decided, with the school, to take her off of the medication for now.  It's been going well but I could tell this weekend that the medicine seems to be completely out of her system.  She is a WILD CHILD!  Quite honestly it can be exhausting but I just remind myself it's about her--not me,  although as a Mom it can wear you down.  There is not much of a quiet time for us and I've started having to lay with her to get her to bed because that calms her down...oh how I miss mommy time.

Well, this to shall pass I suppose.  A mothers work is never done but a break occasionally would be nice.

Here's some more "Ameliaisms":

"Mommy, Daddy's not doing anything right", she later told me that "Daddy won't stop talking to me".]

Last night we were playing and she made me a fairy and her a princess.  I used my wand to turn her into a frog which she didn't agree with and told me "STOP THE ATTITUDE!".  When I wouldn't stop she told me to "act like a fairy" and then DE-throned me completely by removing my wings and taking my wand.  *sigh*

She wanted me to put on a dress (which I don't wear) and I told her I didn't have one.  "Yes you do, I buy'd you one!".  Well, um, yea that got returned...

I host many events around town with my Macaroni Kid business and the other day while I was talking to some readers Amelia decided to pull her shorts down in front of everyone.  She said sprite got in her pants.  My little mooner.

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